Flatbush Food Co-op will be closing at 7 pm for our Staff Appreciation Party.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Flatbush Food Co-op will be closing at 7 pm for our Staff Appreciation Party.
Thank you for your cooperation!
9AM - 3PM
Did you know donating one pint of blood can save up to three lives in our city?
Donate at Flatbush Food Co-op for New York Blood Center!
Register to donate here!
6am - Midnight
Stop by the co-op for
- 10% off regularly priced items for Member-Owners
- Flash sales for all shoppers
- Samples and more!
10AM - 2PM
Drop off your unwanted or broken electronics at Flatbush Food Co-op for environmentally safe disposal!
Stop by to learn from South Midwood Pollinators!
Accepting working and non-working:
Computers, monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, peripherals, cables, TVs (all types and sizes), VCR & DVD players, audio/visual equipment, video games, and cell phones!
Recycling services provided by the Lower East Side Ecology Center.
E-waste questions? Check out the FAQ.